At the beginning of this semester, we learned to use git, a version control system, which is a widely used tool today, and is really something a programmer working with a team should know to use.
We learned to use git in RES (course about networks) and GEN (course about software engineering).
GEN lab1
The first lab exercise of Gen: https://github.com/ncdm-stldr/GEN-lab1
The goal was to create a github repository, and to do some commits such as the branches history looks like what is shown on the following picture:
The resulting branch history can be seen at: https://github.com/ncdm-stldr/GEN-lab1/network
This exercise was an interesting introduction to understand the concept of branches, what they mean, how they relate to each other.
The resource called progit was helpful because it helped to understand the idea behind git.
RES lab1
The first lab of the course RES was also an interesting exercise to learn how git is used. This time, the exercise was more related to the context of big projects were different programmers are implementing different features in a secondary repositories, which were forked from a main repository, and later asking to merge their contribution with the main project repository through what is called a PR or pull request.
This shows us other aspects of git which is quite useful regarding collaboration around projects.
Here is the link to the main github repository that was used: https://github.com/ncdm-stldr/Teaching-HEIGVD-RES-2019-Chill