
Test driven development was taught during the GEN lectures. One laboratory was specifically designed to teach us to use it. The idea was that we continue to use TDD when it is useful.

Gen lab focused on TDD

This is a repository regarding a lab focused on TDD.

The goal was to read and implement what was shown in some chapters of a book written by Kent Bucket: TDD by example.

I found this exercise interesting:

-It showed me that there are always some interesting concepts/ideas to learn and mastery that could help to work better. Continuing to inform and learn by myself about such ideas seems a good idea as a future software engineer.

-It taught me TDD, which seems a useful habit as well as a guideline sometimes. Defining expectation with tests, progressing with small steps, and being able to easily refactor afterwards because tests are already there to prevent some mistakes, was not something I naturally did before.